What Is This?

In short: I'm getting rid of a bunch of stuff and blogging about it.

My goal is one thing a day, but all the cool URLs with "365" in them are taken, so I decided to give myself two days off. Also 363 is 11 × 33, which is cool. Uh, sort of.

I assume it'll be mostly junk at first, stuff that needed to be tossed anyway. But eventually the obvious de-cluttering will be done and I'll need to start giving away things that are harder to give away. That's sort of the point, I guess: to practice letting go of stuff I don't really need in the grand scheme of things.

My two major self-imposed rules are:

1. Get rid of stuff I owned prior to 2011. So, taking out the garbage in July doesn't count as a thing. That was going to happen anyway. And if I happen upon more earthly goods in the year 2011, I can get rid of them if need be, but they won't really count for the purpose of this project.

2. Don't replace things I get rid of. Or, don't count things that are going to be replaced. It would kind of defeat the purpose to get rid of an old pair of pants, for example, if I just went out and bought new pants. That's a break-even proposition and the whole point is to have fewer things at the end.

So that's the spirit of it. We'll see what happens once we get going.

Thanks for checking out the blog, and I hope you'll come back to see what I've been unloading lately.