Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thing #119: T-Shirt Pile

Thing #119: T-Shirt Pile

T-shirts are the sort of thing that you just keep acquiring all the time, for no particular reason. Here, have a t-shirt! Okay.

Rather than try to keep track of how many t-shirts are coming in versus going out, I just gathered 13 old t-shirts that I didn't feel comfortable giving away (due to stains, holes, etc.). I also just donated five shirts to the Salvation Army (not pictured), so I'm pretty confident that this pile represents a net reduction since the project started.

Fewer is nice, because if you own too many t-shirts, you have less incentive to do laundry as often, and you end up with a huge pile of unwashed shirts before you do anything about it. I do, anyway.

Eighteen t-shirts is at least half a load of laundry, so even though it represents a fairly small physical pile, it feels like a significant positive loss. Hooray!

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